Our supporters

Kingston Charitable Foundation is generously supported by a whole community of wonderful organisations and individuals and thank them all very much.

From our funders, City Bridge Trust and The Royal Borough of Kingston, for our core funding Grants, to the support of the London Funders Network with Network Meetings and in-kind support, and the Cranfield Trust for Training and Mentorship.

We also rely on the generosity the brilliant local businesses who provide us with Pro-Bono Support, thank you.

And a final thank you must go to the wonderful sponsorship and fundraising support we have for our community events and activities from our other business friends locally.

If you would like to find out more about how you could support Kingston Charitable Foundation to help even more local people, either through grants, pro-bono support or by sponsoring an event of ours, please contact our CEO, Hicky Kingsbury

Funding, Guidance & Support

Pro Bono Services

Event Sponsors